Tom Caulfield, CFE
Chief Operating Officer
Procurement Integrity Consulting Services
Stafford, Virginia
Thomas A. Caulfield, CFE, has spent over 45 years working in the public and private sectors. He retired from federal service in 2015 as a senior executive and co-founded Procurement Integrity Consulting Services, a global anti-corruption consulting firm. Clients include the United Nations, Basel Institute of Governance and various anti-corruption authorities in Africa, Asia and the United Kingdom. His firm has assisted U.S. clients with establishing anti-fraud procurement protocols, enhancing procurement policy compliance, reviewing ethics and compliance programs, and training.
Caulfield’s government service includes the U.S. Marine Corps (retired), the CIA, and the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. He has been a chief learning officer, inspector general for investigation, procurement integrity officer, polygraph examiner and criminal investigator. Caulfield temporarily returned to federal service during the COVID-19 pandemic to build the Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery’s Office of Investigations.
Caulfield has published and co-published articles related to anti-corruption and is the recipient of the 2022 ACFE James Baker Award for instructor of the year. He is a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Inspector General (CIG) and a Certified Inspector General Investigator. (CIGI).