Press Release

Gender Pay Gap Decreasing in Anti-Fraud Profession: ACFE Report

Sep 23, 2024

The ACFE's 2024 Compensation Guide for Anti-Fraud Professionals, which highlights salary and benefit differences among ACFE members, also shows continued gender diversification in the profession.

AUSTIN, Texas (September 23, 2024) — Things are changing for women in the anti-fraud profession. That's according to the ACFE's 2024 Compensation Guide for Anti-Fraud Professionals, released today by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). The new guide presents findings from 4,449 survey responses from both Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs) and associate ACFE members who have not received certification. The guide highlights the salary and benefit differences between CFEs and non-CFEs in relation to factors such as gender, age, experience, region and more.

According to the 2024 guide, the median compensation for female anti-fraud professionals surveyed was $102,000, compared to $108,000 for males. This $6,000 pay difference is much smaller than the pay difference noted in the 2014 report ($13,500). The guide also highlights increased gender diversification in the anti-fraud profession. Females made up 42% of survey responses in the 2024 report, compared to 38% in the 2022 report and 35% 10 years ago in the 2014 report.

A Look Back: 2024 Guide vs. 2014 Guide

The ACFE's 2024 Compensation Guide features a comparison of findings in this year's guide with the 2013/2014 Compensation Guide. Most notably, compensations across top primary job functions and top industries have risen between 2014 and 2024. Also, the CFE premium observed through survey results has increased 7% in the last decade.

To request a copy of the full guide and create an individualized compensation report using the Salary Calculator, visit

About the ACFE

Founded in 1988 by Dr. Joseph T. Wells, CFE, CPA, the ACFE is the world’s largest anti-fraud organization. Together with more than 90,000 members, the ACFE works to reduce business fraud worldwide and inspire public confidence in the integrity and objectivity within the profession.

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