ACFE Insights Blog

Submit Your 2024 ACFE Awards Nominations

Each year, the ACFE honors outstanding individuals and organizations who make significant contributions to fighting fraud. The ACFE is proud to recognize these exceptional individuals for their invaluable service in the ongoing fight against fraud through the ACFE Awards.

By ACFE Staff  January 2024 Duration: 5-minute read
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Each year, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) honors outstanding individuals and organizations who make significant contributions to fighting fraud. These professionals serve as inspiring examples, showcasing dedication and expertise in their field. Their relentless efforts not only protect businesses and institutions from fraud, but also inspire confidence within those organizations. The ACFE is proud to recognize these exceptional individuals for their invaluable service in the ongoing fight against fraud through the ACFE Awards

Nomination Period and Awards

The nominations period for the following ACFE awards will be open from January 8 through March 8, 2024: 

  • Certified Fraud Examiner of the Year Award 

  • Educator of the Year Award 

  • Achievement in Community Outreach and Service Award 

  • Chapter of the Year Award 

  • Chapter Community Service and Outreach Award 

Nominate a fellow ACFE member or local chapter for one of the ACFE’s prestigious awards by March 8, 2024. 

Certified Fraud Examiner of the Year Award

The Certified Fraud Examiner of the Year Award is presented to a CFE who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the field of fraud examination. Nominees are evaluated based on their contributions to the ACFE, to the profession and to the community. This person must: 

  • Be a CFE in good standing. 

  • Have played a significant role in an investigation(s) of significant fraud(s) in the past year. 

  • Have played a significant role in the design and installation(s) of anti-fraud controls in the past year. 

  • Have contributed significantly to the discipline of fraud examination in the past year. 

 Educator of the Year Award

Established in 2002, the Educator of the Year Award is presented to an ACFE member who has made outstanding contributions to anti-fraud education within their college or university. Factors that will be considered in selecting the recipient are: 

  • Anti-fraud curriculum development efforts at his/her college or university. 

  • Anti-fraud education guidance for students and impact on guiding students toward the anti-fraud profession. 

  • Influence in encouraging anti-fraud educational growth, training and classroom offerings at his/her college or university; and 

  • Publications and professional accomplishments. 

 Achievement in Community Outreach and Service Award

The ACFE believes strongly that members should be active contributors to their communities and committed to helping improve the quality of life where they live and work. The recipient of the Outstanding Achievement in Community Service Award must demonstrate that they are an active volunteer in projects that have resulted in a recognized improvement of their community. This can be demonstrated by the commitment of time or donations to a charitable cause. This person must: 

  • Be an ACFE member in good standing; and 

  • Have been an active participant in volunteer or community service projects that have resulted in a recognized improvement of a community. 

 Chapter of the Year Award

The ACFE annually presents the Chapter of the Year Award to two chapters that have gone above and beyond to grow and serve their memberships. Two chapters are honored, one in a traditionally large market and another in a small market, in order to highlight significant contributions to the anti-fraud community in regions around the world. The Chapter of the Year Award is awarded to (2) chapters that are active and in good standing with the ACFE, and meets the following requirements: 

  • Provides timely and high-quality fraud training and networking opportunities for its members. 

  • Conducts outreach programs for the local business community about fraud prevention and detection. 

  • Actively promotes the ACFE and the CFE credential in its local community; and 

  • Has a signed copy of its Uniform Chapter Bylaws on file with ACFE headquarters. 

 Chapter Community Service and Outreach Award

The Chapter Community Service and Outreach Award is presented to an ACFE chapter that has actively contributed to and volunteered in projects that resulted in the improvement of their community. This award, decided on by members of the Chapter Leaders Committee, recognizes local chapters that demonstrate a commitment of time or donations to charitable causes or organizations. Factors that will be considered in selecting the recipient are:  

  • Participation in community service projects resulting in a recognized improvement in the community; and 

  • Making donations to charitable causes; and 

  • Promoting fraud awareness outside of standard chapter activities. 
