ACFE Insights Blog

Emerging Trends in Fraud Law: What Professionals Need to Know

In the ever-evolving landscape of fraud, staying informed about emerging trends is not just a choice — it is a necessity. As professionals in the field of fraud prevention, we understand that knowledge is our most potent weapon against the ever-adaptive tactics of fraudsters.

By Stephanie Gordon November 2023 Duration: 5-minute read
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In the ever-evolving landscape of fraud, staying informed about emerging trends is not just a choice — it is a necessity. As professionals in the field of fraud prevention, we understand that knowledge is our most potent weapon against the ever-adaptive tactics of fraudsters.

In this blog, we will delve into these trends and explore how to prevent fraud schemes, scams and social engineering exploits. We will also shed light on how machine learning and real-time verification can be leveraged to protect against phishing and the automation of financial crimes. Let us explore this topic to equip ourselves with the knowledge to combat emerging fraud.

Current Trends in Fraud Law: A Brief Overview

Fraud is a serious and costly problem that affects individuals, businesses and financial institutions. Fraud involves the intentional use of deception or misrepresentation to obtain an unfair or unlawful advantage. In the digital age, fraudsters have more ways to exploit vulnerabilities and defraud unsuspecting victims. 

According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), the median loss caused by fraud is a staggering $3.6 million. Account takeover fraud, the fastest-growing type of fraud, witnessed a 74% increase in losses in 2021. Synthetic identity fraud, a growing concern, accounted for $24 billion in losses in 2020. 

It not only highlights the importance of robust internal controls and expert fraud lawyers but also emphasizes the need for financial institutions to implement AI and machine learning, along with multiple detection methods. 

Fraud Trends to Watch Out for in 2024 

The world of fraud is constantly evolving, with new scams and schemes emerging all the time. This means that fraud law professionals need to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in order to effectively represent their clients.

Here are some of the emerging trends in fraud law that professionals need to know about:

Synthetic identity theft: Synthetic identity theft is a type of fraud in which criminals create new identities by piecing together elements of a person's personal information, such as name, date of birth and Social Security number, and combining them with false identifiers. Synthetic identities can then be used to open bank accounts, obtain credit cards and commit other types of fraud.

Deepfakes: Deepfakes are videos or audio recordings that have been manipulated to make it appear as if someone is saying or doing something they never actually said or did. Deepfakes can be used to commit fraud in a variety of ways, such as impersonating a celebrity to endorse a product or service or creating fake videos of someone committing a crime.

Account takeover fraud: Account takeover fraud occurs when a criminal gains access to a victim's online account, such as a social media account, email account or bank account. Once the criminal has access to the account, they can use it to steal money, commit identity theft or spread malware.

Cryptocurrency scams: Cryptocurrency scams are on the rise as more and more people invest in cryptocurrencies. These scams can take many different forms, such as fake cryptocurrency exchanges, investment scams and phishing emails.

Insider threats: Insider threats are fraud schemes that are committed by employees or other individuals who have access to privileged information. Insider threats can be very difficult to detect and prevent, and they can cause significant damage to businesses and organizations.

Fraud law professionals who are aware of these emerging trends will be better equipped to represent their clients and protect them from fraud.

The Growing Need for Multi-Layered Fraud Prevention

In the relentless battle against fraud, traditional prevention methods often fall short in addressing the ever-evolving tactics of fraudsters. The surge in fraud cases, including the prevalent takeover through sim swap fraud, underlines the urgency to innovate. A single layer of defense is no longer sufficient. To tackle the escalating fraud risk, it iss imperative to adopt a multi-layered approach.

By integrating various fraud prevention and detection techniques, financial institutions can effectively reduce risk and protect themselves and their customers from potential financial losses. This approach equips professionals to stay ahead in the fight against fraud, employing a robust security framework that leaves no room for fraudsters to exploit vulnerabilities. Stay informed, adapt and use more than one strategy to fortify your defenses and mitigate the impact of fraud.

How AI and Real-Time Analytics Can Enhance Fraud Detection

One of the pivotal tools in the battle against fraud is artificial intelligence (AI), which is adept at automating the scrutiny of extensive data and identifying patterns and anomalies indicative of fraudulent activity. This innovative technology significantly contributes to risk assessment, helping financial institutions stay ahead of evolving fraud.

Furthermore, AI is instrumental in reducing fraud losses by expediting and refining fraud response and mitigation. When integrated with real-time analytics, it allows financial institutions to monitor transactions and customer behavior promptly, promptly flagging potential fraud incidents before they impact critical financial operations.

Here are some specific things that fraud law professionals can do to stay up-to-date on the latest trends:

  • Read industry publications and blogs: There are a number of industry publications and blogs that focus on fraud and fraud prevention. Reading these publications can help fraud law professionals stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the field.
  • Attend industry conferences: There are also a number of industry conferences that focus on fraud and fraud prevention. These conferences can be a great way for fraud law professionals to learn about the latest trends and developments in the field and to network with other professionals in the field.
  • Take continuing education courses: There are a number of continuing education courses that are available on fraud and fraud prevention. Taking these courses can help fraud law professionals stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the field.

By taking these steps, fraud law professionals can stay one step ahead of the criminals and protect their clients from fraud.

Staying Ahead: Your Arsenal Against Fraud

In the relentless fight against fraud, staying informed about emerging trends is not just an option—it is a necessity. The landscape of financial crime trends is ever-shifting, demanding our vigilance and adaptability. Detecting and preventing fraud requires a proactive approach, integrating risk assessment, detection methods and robust security measures. This not only protects critical financial transactions but also enhances the customer experience, minimizing customer friction. 

Remember, fraud becomes more sophisticated and impactful each day, necessitating our constant effort to fight fraud. Together, as professionals in the financial services realm, we can implement new and creative ways to mitigate fraud, ensuring a safer environment for all. 
