ACFE Insights Blog

Mentoring Success Story: Francesca Gabella, CFE and Aristotelis Konstantinos Koufos

Aristotelis Konstantinos Koufos and Francesca Gabella, CFE, a dynamic duo united by their shared passion for fraud prevention and audit, take us on an insightful journey through their mentor-mentee relationship and their experiences in the ACFE Mentoring Program. 

By ACFE Staff  July 2023 Duration: 6-minute read
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Aristotelis Konstantinos Koufos and Francesca Gabella, CFE, a dynamic duo united by their shared passion for fraud prevention and audit, take us on an insightful journey through their mentor-mentee relationship and their experiences in the ACFE Mentoring Program. 

Aristotelis, with over a decade of experience as an external auditor, has developed a keen interest in understanding the intricacies of fraud detection and assessment. He believes that mentorship is a crucial tool for young professionals aspiring to grow in their careers and has chosen Francesca to guide him on his path to enhancing his professional strategy. 

Francesca's fascination with human behavior, complex financial systems and the escalating prevalence of fraudulent activities led her to a career in consulting. She finds great significance in sharing her knowledge and experiences as a mentor, staying connected, and nurturing a symbiotic learning relationship with her mentee, Aristotelis. She views mentoring as a unique opportunity to create a positive impact and is rewarded by witnessing the successful journey of her mentees. 

Why was it important for both of you to join the Mentoring Program? 

Aristotelis Konstantinos Koufos

In my opinion, joining the Mentoring Program is a fundamental step towards completing one’s goals.By this, I am not referring to receiving guidance on how to obtain a professional title only, but growing professionally and obtaining valuable insights regarding the detection and assessment of fraud as well. It is crucial that young people have the chance to learn from experienced professionals -- people that have already encountered similar milestones. These things cannot be found in a manual. Furthermore, the fact that Francesca and I both shared an audit background was one more confirmation that we could ‘communicate’ in the most efficient way and exchange many interesting opinions regarding the field of fraud. 

Francesca Gabella

Joining the Mentoring Program was important to me as a mentor for a few key reasons. I recognize the significance of giving back and sharing my knowledge and experiences.Being part of a mentoring program allows me to make a positive impact, stay connected and engage in a mutually beneficial learning experience and being able to witness the successful journey of mentees.  

Aristotelis, what inspired you to request Francesca as your Mentor? 

Aristotelis Konstantinos Koufos

It takes time and research to find the right mentor for one’s specific needs, and the opportunity to gain important guidance (regarding the profession of any kind) does not arise every day. I am very happy I found Francesca’s profile, as she appeared to be, and indeed is, an exceptional mentor who could assist me with the improvement of my strategy to better reach my goal. Moreover, she is the type of person that, unlike family members or friends,  can offer constructive criticism that helps one strengthen their professional areas that need improvement. My professional growth in the field of fraud would have taken longer to achieve without her guidance. 

Francesca, how did you know Aristotelis would be the right mentee for your experience and skillset? 

Francesca Gabella

When I came across Aristotelis as a potential mentee, I was drawn to the fact that we shared a common background in the audit profession and genuine interest in delving deeper into the realm of fraud. This parallel in our backgrounds and our mutual curiosity towards the fraud profession led me to believe that I could offer Aristotelis valuable insights, guidance, and support as he was embarking on his journey towards achieving the CFE certification.  

What advice do you both have for anyone who wants to join the ACFE Mentoring Program?   

Aristotelis Konstantinos Koufos

Anyone who is interested in joining the mentoring program is highly encouraged to do so, as successful mentorships are founded on boundaries that define social expectations and make one feel safe and goal oriented. Both the mentor and the mentee can learn from each other in this amazing journey! 

Francesca Gabella

I would encourage anyone who wants to join the mentoring program to embrace the opportunity to expand your professional network, engage in a rewarding two-way learning experience and be a part of a unique and enriching journey! 

What has been the most rewarding part of your journey together?  

Aristotelis Konstantinos Koufos

I think that the most important part has been the fact that we both are active listeners to each other’s opinions regarding many different professional areas that are not limited to the field of fraud. Both of us have obtained new insights and have discussed experiences that enrich each professional’s perspective moving forward. In my opinion? The best is yet to come! Thank you, Francesca! 

Francesca Gabella

The most rewarding aspect has been the chance to actively listen and learn from one another’s unique perspectives, engaging in open and honest conversations that have provided valuable insights and alternative perspectives. Witnessing Aristotelis’ proactive approach in pursuing and successfully achieving the CFE certification has been particularly gratifying! 

Throughout this experience, Aristotelis has consistently shown his proactive nature and support -- not only in pursuing his own goals, but also in being dedicated to support me as well in the mentorship journey.  
