ACFE Insights Blog

Networking in the Anti-Fraud Field

From unlocking new career opportunities, to staying ahead of industry trends, networking empowers fraud examiners to thrive in a dynamic landscape where collaboration and knowledge exchange are essential.

By Abbie Staiger April 2024 Duration: 2-minute read
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Networking serves as a cornerstone for professionals in the field of fraud examination, offering a myriad of benefits crucial for career growth and development. For fraud examiners, networking extends beyond mere socializing; it represents a strategic investment in their professional journey. From unlocking new career opportunities, to staying ahead of industry trends, networking empowers fraud examiners to thrive in a dynamic landscape where collaboration and knowledge exchange are essential.  

4 Networking Opportunities Through the ACFE: 

  1. Community: The ACFE Community is a members-only discussion forum that allows you to ask specialized questions, connect with other CFEs and associates, or even find a mentor. The community also hosts the 90-Day CFE Exam Challenge which guides hundreds of members to earning their Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) credential every year.
  2. Chapters: Joining an ACFE chapter opens doors to valuable networking opportunities with fellow members through chapter events. These gatherings offer chances to seek advice, explore career shifts and forge connections that can lead to career advancement. Interacting with peers from diverse organizational backgrounds fosters knowledge sharing and the development of best practices. Just as the Community provides a platform for discussions and mentorship, chapter events serve as vital avenues for professional growth within the ACFE community.  
  3. LinkedIn Group: In addition to the online members-only Community, the ACFE has an official LinkedIn Group where members and nonmembers can share posts, templates, tutorials and even job opportunities. This platform provides an additional avenue for fraud examiners seeking to expand their professional network and stay updated on industry trends and opportunities.  
  4. Events and Conferences: Prime networking opportunities arise at ACFE events and conferences, such as the 35th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference. Previous fraud conferences hosted by the ACFE have featured networking receptions, allowing attendees to connect with industry leaders and fellow fraud fighters after sessions. Utilizing these complimentary networking receptions is a valuable perk for all attendees.  

Networking lies at the heart of professional advancement for those in the anti-fraud field, offering a strategic pathway to career growth and industry insight. Through avenues like the ACFE Community, Chapters, LinkedIn group and conferences, fraud examiners can forge connections, share expertise and stay at the forefront of fraud examination, enhancing their capabilities and contributions to the anti-fraud field. 
