ACFE Insights Blog

Case Study: Uncovering Unethical Activities in an Indian IT and ITeS Firm

This article provides an overview of a comprehensive forensic investigation conducted for a prominent Indian firm in the IT and ITeS industry.

By Anuj Choudhary, CFE August 2024 Duration: 5-minute read
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In the dynamic landscape of the IT and information technology enabled services (ITeS) sector, upholding ethical standards is paramount for maintaining organizational integrity and safeguarding reputation. Ethical lapses could have profound consequences, necessitating thorough investigative measures to protect corporate interests. This article provides an overview of a comprehensive forensic investigation conducted for a prominent Indian firm in the IT and ITeS industry. The investigation was initiated to validate management's concerns regarding suspected unethical conduct by certain employees and to unearth concrete evidence. 

The client, a major player in the Indian IT and ITeS sector, specializes in delivering comprehensive technology solutions. Management harbored suspicions about unethical activities by specific employees and engaged our forensic team to conduct a thorough fact-finding review to assess these suspicions and gather corroborative evidence. 

The primary objective of this engagement was to conduct a comprehensive fact-finding review to verify the management’s suspicions and identify evidence of unethical activities by the suspected employees. This entailed examining compliance with employment contracts and the company’s code of ethics. 

Investigation Approach 

The investigation employed a methodical approach encompassing several steps.  We commenced with detailed consultations with the management to gain an in-depth understanding of their concerns and review any preliminary evidence. This included evaluating internal reports, employee records and pertinent communications. Forensic technology procedures were then crucially employed for preserving and analyzing potential digital evidence. We created forensic images of the electronic devices used by the suspected employees, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of the data for subsequent analysis. 

A meticulous review of electronic data from the suspected employees’ devices followed, involving examination of emails, files and other digital communications for indications of unethical behavior. The investigation revealed multiple instances of confidential company information being shared with personal email addresses, constituting a clear breach of employment contracts and the company’s code of ethics. 

The digital forensics investigation uncovered compelling evidence that the suspected employees had established their own venture and were actively poaching the company’s existing customers. This not only represented a conflict of interest but also a significant breach of trust and confidentiality. Key Findings 
The investigation led to several critical findings: 

Numerous instances were identified where confidential company information was sent to personal email addresses, violating employment contracts and the company’s code of ethics. 

Further checks post-employee’s consent on the personal email address noted leakages to the compete employees, who were to join suspected employees in new venture. 

Evidence indicated that the suspected employees had set up their own business venture, in direct competition with the client company, representing a clear conflict of interest.  

The suspected employees were found to be soliciting the company’s existing clients, attempting to divert business to their own venture. This breach of ethical norms had the potential to cause substantial financial harm to the company. 

Challenges Encountered 

The investigation faced several significant challenges: The sheer volume of electronic data to be reviewed was substantial, necessitating the use of efficient data processing tools and techniques to sift through the information effectively. Upholding strict confidentiality throughout the investigation was imperative to comply with CFE Code of Professional Standards. This ensured that sensitive information pertaining to the investigation, including personal data of employees and proprietary company information, was safeguarded against unauthorized access or disclosure. 

Navigating the legal landscape was crucial, particularly regarding the privacy rights of the employees and the admissibility of digital evidence in potential legal proceedings. Managing internal resistance, such as information withholding or attempts to influence the investigation for political reasons, required robust leadership and transparency to maintain impartiality and integrity. 

Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA) 

Corrective Actions  

  1. Immediate Termination of Involved Employees: Based on substantiated evidence, the employees implicated in unethical activities were recommended for prompt termination to mitigate further risks and underscore the organization's commitment to ethical standards. 
  2. Legal Proceedings: Initiating legal measures against the implicated individuals was deemed necessary to recuperate potential financial losses and serve as a deterrent against future misconduct. 
  3. Client Communication: Transparent communication with affected clients was prioritized to restore trust and outline initiative-taking measures taken to prevent recurrence. 

Preventive Actions 

  1. Enhanced Data Security Measures: Stricter controls over access to confidential information were proposed to be implemented, coupled with regular audits to ensure compliance with heightened security protocols. 
  2. Ethics Training Programs: Comprehensive training initiatives focusing on ethical conduct and adherence to organizational policies were recommended to be introduced for all employees, emphasizing the consequences of unethical behavior. 
  3. Strengthened Compliance Framework: A robust compliance framework was suggested, which incorporates periodic reviews and updates to policies and procedures to mitigate emerging risks and align with regulatory standards. 

Insights and Best Practices 

  1. Proactive Monitoring: The importance of proactive monitoring systems to detect unethical behavior early cannot be overstated. Implementing advanced analytics and continuous monitoring tools can provide early warning signs of potential issues. 
  2. Clear Ethical Guidelines: Establishing and communicating clear ethical guidelines is essential. Regular training sessions and awareness programs can reinforce the importance of adhering to these standards. 
  3. Robust Incident Response Plan: Having a well-defined incident response plan in place ensures that the organization can respond swiftly and effectively to any ethical breaches, minimizing potential damage. 

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not reflect the opinions of any mentioned organization. For confidentiality, some facts, sectors and recommendations may have been altered. The author is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this content. 
