Chapter Event Details
Event Title: "Privacy, Data Theft, & Digital Fraud" with Nejolla Korris *4.5* CPE credits
Event Date: March 06, 2025
Event Time: 12 Noon ET - 4:00 PM (ET)
Virtual by Zoom. Register on Greater Toronto Area (Canada) website.
Greater Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada
Contact: Astra Williamson, CPA, CGA, CFE, Chapter SVP & Chief Learning Officer
CPE: 4.5
Member Fee:CA$129 + HST
Non-member Fee:CA$179 + HST
Event Details:
How did Home Depot wind up sharing customer information with Meta? How did a Cincinnati hospital wind up sending patient information to Meta and other third parties? Why did a Mall use facial recognition software to target shoppers inside the building? There’s no two ways about it. Cybersecurity is on everyone’s mind; however, not everyone knows the steps involved in preventing or managing a breach. Data breaches have dominated the news cycle long enough for individuals, small and large business
You will learn:
The three lines of defence in managing risk
The importance of executive suite/board level involvement and commitment
How to promote a culture of skepticism and risk management
How to make employee training more than a “tick the box” exercise
About the threat from a compromised employee and from third-party vendors and how to mitigate these risks
The protocols and policies needed to prevent cyber breaches and to manage the breach when it occurs
How to conduct a Privacy Impact Audit
The risks of free promotional materials and how to assess them.
The importance of having an action plan in place to manage a breach when it does happen